Dedicated. Compelling. Strategic.

The law and its worth in this world, is profoundly personal to every member of our Law Office. Each of us strive to serve our clients and their core interests, with an unmatched dedication.

The office of Russell B. Kahn, consistently uses Mediation and Arbitration to provide our clients with the most desirable outcome in their legal matters.
However, we are most known for Mr. Russell Kahn’s high quality representation for Litigation.


Corporate Governance

“It’s one thing to form a corporate entity.
It’s an entirely different matter all together to create and maintain evidence of it’s separate corporate identity.”


“The four corners of the contract ‘everything written on every page’ , governs the relationship between the parties in the contract.”

Dispute Resolution

“Despite the emotional investment that most parties to litigation have in contested issues, the client should stay focused on the most dollar efficient way to resolve the outstanding dispute.”